With No Obligation!

Is an annuity right for you? How do annuities work? Why should you deposit your assets into an annuity instead of a mutual fund or ETF?

There are annuities that provide an upfront bonus, and you can use that money to provide lifetime income! An annuity is the only product available that will guarantee an income for your entire life. Many have low fees, and all will grow tax-deferred.

Consider the benefits of a well-structured annuity for a portion of your retirement income. Complete this form to schedule a free consultation with a Trajan Wealth Fiduciary Advisor!

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What Are the Benefits of a Well-Structured Annuity?

Here are just a few:

Tax Deferred

Unlike CD's and savings accounts, annuities grow tax-deferred for potential savings.


You won't forfeit the principle. Your beneficiaries can inherit your principal when you pass.

Low Fees

The majority of annuities that Trajan Wealth uses have fees of 1% or less per year.


Purchasers are protected against market losses and guaranteed a minimum monthly payment.

Helping You Weigh Your Options

Annuities can function as a strategic part of your retirement plan, helping you plan for financial challenges. However, there is no one size fits all retirement plan and no one annuity that’s the best for everyone. Every retirement plan and retiree is different, with different personalities, goals and worries. Some people are more risk-averse, for example, or simply have fewer assets and therefore are less comfortable with putting those assets at risk. Other people have amassed enough assets that they are less worried about the risk, perhaps. You have to know yourself and what will make you comfortable, because who wants a retirement filled with worry?

We Specialize In Custom Retirement Income Plans.

Today’s longer retirement comes with a number of inherent risks that we have to consider. That includes rising health care costs, inflation, and higher taxes. Plus concerns about an increasingly unpredictable global market and future of the Social Security program.

The only good retirement plan is one that protects and provides for you for the rest of your life, and in order to do that, your plan must mitigate these risks. Clients are often seeking guidance on an array of financial risks, including experiencing protection against investment losses and how to guarantee sufficient income to meet rising costs.

You just need to create a plan based on your personal goals, assets, and expenses that also takes into account all of the potential risks of a long retirement. And here’s good news: We can do exactly that.

Trusted Fiduciary Advice Since 2012

Trajan Wealth advisors are fiduciaries and not dually registered brokers with a 2nd agenda to make sales. That means we put clients’ best interests first always. We’ve helped thousands of clients and we can help you too.

A Stress-Free Process to Protect Your Money
We’ll Do the Paperwork and Guide You Step By Step!

First Step

Schedule a short call with a fiduciary advisor. We will answer any questions you have, review your goals, and give you guidance on what may be the best options for you.

Second Step

In our follow-up meeting, we enter a detailed fact-finding process. This includes learning more about your specific financial situation so we can tailor a custom solution.

Third Step

Our team will review your current retirement strategy and level of market risk. Then we present you with customized options designed to help protect and grow your investments.