Just because you have a Financial Advisor doesn’t mean you should stop learning about finances. Being an educated investor will help you choose the right Financial Advisor with confidence and help you articulate your financial needs. Although finding up to date, unbiased information on investing can seem like a daunting task, here are a few suggestions to stay informed.
A Random Walk Down Wall Street – Burton Malkiel
If you talk to money experts, you are likely to get several recommendations for this authoritative investing book. Mr. Malkiel is an economist and investment manager offering comprehensive yet easy-to-read guides to investing. He details the need to comprehend life-cycle saving. The book provides an excellent introduction to the world of markets and investing as well as how the two work together.
Common Sense Investing – John Bogle
John Bogle created the index funds for mass consumption. Hence, his book gives all the necessary information. The introduction is short though thorough and offers straightforward thoughts and strategies. Reading the book will provide you with insights for active investing.
Smart Money Kids – Ramsey and Cruze
If you’re looking for insights on living by your earnings for more investments, this book is your ultimate choice. The book guides you on how to prepare your kids for a better tomorrow. The book suggests payment for chores done by your children as well as teaching them about spending, saving and giving wisely. Teaching your children these principles early enough will increase your overall productivity in life and in investing.
Winning the Loser’s Game – Charles Ellis
When you invest in the stock market, you’ll be facing competition from institutional investors. The book gives you timeless strategies to ensure you invest successfully. The book details various indexing strategies, which new investors could utilize to ensure they get returns from their investments. The book also guides you on how you to divide your assets as well as better money management strategies.
Motley Fool Website
The primary goal of Motley is to create the greatest investment community in the world. The website has various resources that you can choose from including books, website, newspaper column, newsletter and a radio station. Motley Fool has something for every kind of investor interested in increasing their investment returns. They also offer free features such as the stock-rating service. You can also select their fee-based newsletter to choose precisely how you want to learn.
Investopedia is a website devoted to investing education. Topics include news, investing, retirement and more. Newsletter updates include Advisor insights, trending news and investing basics. It’s great information broken down into digestible pieces.
The first step in successful investing is to assess your position and create a game plan. A good Financial Advisor can help you break your goals into workable time frames. You can ensure your financial future by staying informed and scheduling a free portfolio assessment with one of our trusted advisors.