Key Topics
All About Annuities
What exactly is an annuity? We cover the basics in bite-sized videos below, or read all about it on our annuities page.
Trajan Wealth
What is an annuity?
Learn everything you need to know about annuities on our site:
*Advisory services offered through Trajan® Wealth L.L.C., an SEC registered investment advisor. Annuity guarantees are based on the claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
Trajan Wealth
Types of annuities
Learn everything you need to know about annuities on our site:
*Advisory services offered through Trajan® Wealth L.L.C., an SEC registered investment advisor. Annuity guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
Trajan Wealth
What is a rider?
Learn everything you need to know about annuities on our site:
*Advisory services offered through Trajan® Wealth L.L.C., an SEC registered investment advisor. Annuity guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
Trajan Wealth
Common Misunderstandings
Learn everything you need to know about annuities on our site:
*Advisory services offered through Trajan® Wealth L.L.C., an SEC registered investment advisor. Annuity guarantees are based on the claims paying ability of the issuing insurance company.
Retirement Planning:
How Much More Do I Need To Retire?
You’re not alone if you’re wondering how much you need to save for retirement. Here’s what you need to think about and how to approach the math.
Trajan Wealth
How much more do I need to retire? Step One
Join us for our new weekly mini-series on Mondays! We're covering to determine how much more you need to save. Get ready to dig into your details to put together a more precise plan. Ready? Bust out those pens and pencils (or a vision or dream board if you have one) because we're starting with your end goals first.
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*Advisory services offered through Trajan Wealth, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor. Estate Planning services offered through Trajan Estate.
Trajan Wealth
How Much More Do I Need To Retire? Step 2
Understanding average retirement expenses is the second step toward understanding what you need for a comfortable life after work. And a good expense worksheet can help! Check out this one by Nerdwallet:
Retire as planned by starting to plan early—we'll help you save more money every day as you continue on your path toward financial independence with Trajan Wealth.
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*Advisory services offered through Trajan Wealth, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor. Estate Planning services offered through Trajan Estate.
Trajan Wealth
How Much More Do I Need To Retire? Step 3
In Step 3 of "How Much More", we dive further into the math by adding up assets and tackling life expectancy. That latter question is very tricky. Since no one really knows the answer to how long they'll live, it's smart to look at averages. Watch the video and check out the SSA calculator at
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*Advisory services offered through Trajan Wealth, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor. Estate Planning services offered through Trajan Estate.
Trajan Wealth
How Much More Do I Need To Retire? Step 4
This is step four of six in our series, and it's the one where the rubber hits the road. ***Calculate the gap.*** That is the gap between how much you need for retirement income and how much you have saved. You'll need to look at all your income sources, including Social Security, IRAs, investment accounts, and others. Then, we compare that to the annual expense we calculated in the previous steps.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don't - we are here to help. Call us for a free retirement planning session to personally answer any questions you have. Call us at 1 (800) 838-3079. Again, it's free.
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*Advisory services offered through Trajan Wealth, LLC, an SEC registered investment advisor. Estate Planning services offered through Trajan Estate.
Trajan Wealth
How Much More Do I Need to Retire? Step 5
Consider this calculator:
Try running the numbers with 2% inflation and 7% rate of return. Then try it again with 4% inflation and 5% rate of return. That can start to give you a range to aim for with your retirement savings.
Because there are so many variables involved, we recommend speaking with a fiduciary advisor. We can help you estimate how much money you need for retirement. Visit us at to schedule a free consultation.
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*Advisory services offered through Trajan Wealth, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor. Estate Planning services offered through Trajan Estate.
Trajan Wealth
How Much More Do I Need For Retirement? Step 6
Do you know where you can cut expenses or earn additional income? Do you know how to lower your tax bill with a tax-smart withdrawal plan? Do you have a plan to cover health and long-term care needs? If any of your answers are no, don't worry – you're normal! It doesn't mean the end of the world - we can help!
Contact us at or call 1 (800) 838-3079
*Advisory services offered through Trajan Wealth, LLC, an SEC-registered investment advisor. Estate Planning services offered through Trajan Estate.
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What is a rider?
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