Build, Protect & Preserve: Estate Planning in Texas

Work with a Dallas-Fort Worth estate planning attorney for end-to-end service. We offer wealth management and estate planning all under one roof, removing unnecessary complications and confusion.


Meet The Attorneys


Work with a team that works diligently to make sure no detail goes unchecked.


Our Dallas team offers decades of legal experience and only work on estate legal matters.


Let us handle Texas estate tax and other matters as we maximize the potential of your assets.

Prepare for the Future With Our Services

Our comprehensive estate planning services list simplifies this process, taking the confusion out of Texas estate planning forms and other potential roadblocks. Click the icons below to learn how we actively support our clients from beginning to end.

Living Trusts and Wills

Put together specific instructions so everyone is on the same page

More About Trusts & Wills

Estate Tax Planning

Work with our team to maximize your bequeathments (and minimize unneccessary taxes)

Estate Planning 101

Asset Protection Planning

Safeguard your assets, ensuring they go where you intend

More About Asset Protection

Does Texas Have an Estate Tax?

Good news, Texas does not have an estate tax. Even better, as of 2015, Texas has no inheritance tax. However, depending on your circumstances, you may still be subject to federal estate taxes. Our Dallas-Fort Worth estate planning attorneys can help you determine what you are liable for and what steps you need to take.

Your Place for a Texas Living Will

Putting together a living will takes the guesswork out of your wishes. These specific instructions dictate where your assets go in the event of your death or incapacitation. Such an informative document needs to be executed by professionals. When you work with Trajan Wealth, our Dallas-Fort Worth estate planning attorney and support staff meticulously assemble the documents that state and preserve your legacy.

Living Trusts: Plan for the Best Possible Outcome

Not all living trusts are created equal, and some will not offer you the protection it initially promised. Luckily, our trusted Texas lawyers have your best interest at heart. During your Texas estate planning appointments, our team will put together comprehensive living trusts that accurately reflect your wishes and unique circumstances, no matter how involved they are.

Many of our clients have questions about living trusts. To help, we have broken down the differences between our living trusts and discount options.

Features Our Trusts Discount Trusts
Avoid probate (If properly funded) YES MAYBE
No charge for emails and phone calls with an attorney YES NO
Trust funding – including out of state property YES NO
No contest / alternative dispute resolution procedures YES NO
Coordination with banks/financial institutions YES NO
Integration of business interests with an estate plan YES NO
Communication with other professionals like CPA’s YES NO
Attorney – client relationship / estate planning expertise YES NO
Notifications of changes in the law YES NO
Solutions for clients with no children / no trustees YES NO
Advanced planning advice – charitable, business, etc. YES NO
Special needs provisions YES NO
Estate tax minimization provisions* YES NO
Creditor, divorce, substance abuse protection for heirs* YES NO
Sub-trusts – heirs can manage independently* YES NO
Trust protector provisions* YES NO

Visit our Dallas-Fort Worth Offices

If you’re looking for help with estate planning in Texas, look no further than Trajan Wealth. Complimentary introductory meetings are available virtually or in person at one of our Texas offices. Ready to get started? Schedule an appointment with our team.

Trajan Wealth Locations in the Dallas Area

Arlington, Texas

2000 E Lamar Blvd, Suite 600
Arlington, Texas 76006


Fort Worth, Texas

1751 River Run, Suite #200
Fort Worth, Texas 76107

Fort Worth

Frisco, Texas

5285 Dallas Pkwy, Suite 410
Frisco, Texas 75034


Southlake, Texas

550 Reserve St, Suite 190
Southlake, Texas 76092


McKinney, Texas

2150 S. Central Expressway, Suite 200
McKinney, Texas 75070


Even More Services from Trajan Wealth

Our Texas fiduciaries don’t stop at estate planning. We also offer wealth management services and retirement planning. Schedule a free consultation now!

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