Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

Estate Planning

Embracing the Inevitable: Death, Dying, and Planning for the Future

October ushers in the Halloween season, spotlighting themes of death and the supernatural, often playfully. Homes are decorated with skulls and ghosts, and haunted attractions invite the brave to confront the macabre. While Halloween allows for lighthearted celebration of fears, it also encourages deeper reflections on death and dying.

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Happy little girl receiving present

How to Skip the Toys When Gifting to Children

Are you thinking about heading to the toy store this season? When it comes to picking gifts for our children, grandchildren, or special people in our lives, we often reach for the newest toys or gadgets. However, it’s good to remember that these items can lose their charm and value over time. Here are some suggestions that can brings lasting joy!

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Happy mature woman calculating year end contributions

Year-End Contributions: A Gift to Yourself

The end of the year is the perfect time to work toward getting your finances in order. Wrap up all your retirement savings contributions before employer-sponsored plans such as Keogh, Solo 401(k), and 401(k). Learn more!

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