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Annuities: What they are and how they work

Annuities: What They Are and How They Work

Having enough retirement income is a top concern for many Americans nearing or in retirement. Having enough retirement income for what you need and want is essential and must be planned for, even in the best economic conditions. A way to provide income safety is by using annuities as an asset class in your retirement portfolio. Here’s a brief overview of the different types of annuities that can provide an alternative for retirees seeking income and safety.

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Stock market graph on led screen.

Market Volatility

Why Now May Be an Optimal Time to Invest or “Sit Tight“ COVID-19, inflation and a Ukrainian/Russian war have contributed to stock market declines in recent weeks. As market sectors

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Annuities Ebook

5 of the Most-Asked Annuity Questions

As we’ve discussed before, annuities can be fantastic resources for retirement. Many individuals and couples opt to use them in place of other retirement saving accounts in order to better

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Weighing The Options

Annuities: Pros and Cons

If you’ve started to plan for your future, then you’ve likely come across an annuity. There are some appealing advantages, but they are complex and some have drawbacks to watch

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Frustrated With Finances?

5 Reasons People Hate Annuities

Annuities can be some of the most polarizing products in the investment world. As retirement investments, some in the industry swear by them, while some say they are a complicated,

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