Resilience, Innovation, and Opportunities
Innovation tailwinds are driving stock market valuations due to AI, and bond yields have reached their highest levels in decades. The future looks bright with numerous opportunities for investors.
A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more
Innovation tailwinds are driving stock market valuations due to AI, and bond yields have reached their highest levels in decades. The future looks bright with numerous opportunities for investors.
The holidays offer a meaningful opportunity to discuss estate planning with family. While it may seem like a serious topic, having this conversation reflects our care for one another and the future. By gathering together, we can strengthen our family bonds and ensure that everyone feels informed and supported as we navigate what lies ahead.
Post election, US equities are up sharply with expectations of “pro-growth” policies are expected from the incoming Trump administration. We caution our clients against any heightened exuberance in their investment strategies and asset allocation. Here’s why…
Join Trajan Wealth in donating to the Sojourner Center this December. You’ll make the holidays brighter for survivors of domestic abuse. Click to read more for their wish list.
As healthcare costs continue to rise, it’s crucial to understand how to protect your retirement savings from these expenses. Here are four strategies to help shield your retirement funds from unexpected healthcare costs.
October ushers in the Halloween season, spotlighting themes of death and the supernatural, often playfully. Homes are decorated with skulls and ghosts, and haunted attractions invite the brave to confront the macabre. While Halloween allows for lighthearted celebration of fears, it also encourages deeper reflections on death and dying.
The end of the year is the perfect time to work toward getting your finances in order. Wrap up all your retirement savings contributions before employer-sponsored plans such as Keogh, Solo 401(k), and 401(k). Learn more!