Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

Investor worried about election and stocks

Stocks And Elections

Investors are anxious about the election regardless of their political views. We analyzed all Presidential elections since 1952 to see what we could learn. *Spoiler alert: The data says remain calm and carry on.

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Illustration of mics
Estate Planning

Set The Record with A Revocable Living Trust

It is crucial to ensure that your wishes are recorded in the correct manner. By examining the estate planning challenges faced by celebrities, we can gain powerful insights into the significance of proactive preparation and the indisputable advantages of using trusts to prevent family disputes.

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Inflation - air balloon tied with product price tag flying high

APRIL 2024 Market Review

Markets across the globe retreated sharply as prospects for quick reductions in the overnight US Fed Funds rate dissipated during April. So, is the Fed’s 2% inflation target unattainable?

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Illustration of tax related documents
Estate Planning

IRS 2025 Revenue Proposals

The IRS has proposed several significant changes to the tax code as part of its revenue proposals for 2025. If enacted, these changes could have profound implications for estate planning and top earners.

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