Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

Tolerate the Turbulence

Volatility will always be around on Wall Street, and as you invest for the long term, you must learn to tolerate it. Rocky moments, fortunately, are not the norm. Since

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Market Update 10-10-18

In light of the past week activity in the market, we wanted to share a short update.  Amazingly 6 trading days ago the U.S. Markets were trading at all-time highs. 

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The Great Wealth Transfer

Over the next twenty years, there will be a wealth transfer that exceeds $30 trillion as the Baby Boomer generation passes the remainder of their wealth to the Millennials and

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Happy Retirement, LIBOR

There’s a number that is going away soon that has an impact on your life; it’s called LIBOR.  LIBOR (London Interbank Offered Rate) is used to determine the interest rates

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End of Year Money Moves

It’s that time of year again; kids go back to school, the election season is near, fall holiday planning starts, and suddenly we all move closer to the end of

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