Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

Moatiful Disney Two Paths

Disney’s Two Paths

We see two paths ahead for Disney: Either the company should compete head-to-head with Netflix using a consolidated streaming platform, or it should divest Hulu and ESPN to focus on the franchise content that makes it special. The company could be successful on either path, but trying to straddle both is not working.

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How strong will the next bull run be? February 2023 Market Review

February 2023 Market Review

Bear markets tend to be followed by a bull run, but when? With elevated geopolitical risk and limited access to credit growth as support in times of recession, it’s important for everyone to stay informed about these challenges – so we can be better prepared when faced with potential instability down the road. Read our February market review!

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