Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

Springtime Is Clean Your Finances Time

Springtime Is Clean Your Finances Time

Springtime is a great time to review your finances so you can work toward financial independence. While many are organizing their closets and cleaning out drawers and garages, instead, clean up your finances using these ten tips.

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Survival Tips for Tough Economic Times

Survival Tips For Tough Economic Times

Economists suggest that the U.S. economy is not in the clear and may be approaching another recession in 2023. Knowing the signs of a recession is essential to help you determine when to cut spending. You can also look for extra cash by using these tips to help you survive tough economic times.

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7 ideas to get your retirement savings on track
Retirement Planning

7 Ideas to Get Retirement Savings on Track

Planning for retirement by implementing appropriate retirement savings strategies can help you be more financially secure when you retire. It’s essential to realize that saving for retirement happens over time

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How to be smart using credit

How To Be Smart Using Credit

Taking steps towards improving your financial situation includes understanding how to manage your credit wisely. If you don’t take credit seriously, you may run into issues when applying for a

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Retirement Planning

Five Ways to Save For Retirement

If you’re already saving for retirement, you’re on your way to a more financially secure retirement. It’s essential that you continue to save and explore other strategies that may be

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