Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

HENRYs the Working Rich
Retirement Planning

HENRYs – The Working “Rich”

The term HENRY (High Earners Not Rich Yet) refers to individuals who have the potential to become wealthy in the future because of their income. These individuals or families earn

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Tax Season 2020

Countdown to Tax Season

With 2020 barely started, preparation for tax season is underway for many investors. Now in the second year of filing taxes under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017

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Money Savvy
Retirement Planning

2020 is Your Year to be Money Savvy

SAVVY:  Adjective | Pronounced sav-ee | Having or showing perception, comprehension, or shrewdness especially in practical matters | Money Savvy: Smart with money, money wise, financially astute, shrewd. If you

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Age, health and home
Retirement Planning

Aging in Place: Growing Older at Home

The U.S. population continues to age, with the baby boomer generation now the largest retirement age generation ever. By 2035, one in three heads of households will be someone age

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