Trajan's Tactical Tips

A blog for everyday financial tips, Trajan news updates, and more

Stay Calm - Strategy Over Stress

March 2023 Market Review

The Federal Reserve Bank’s Open Market Committee (“FOMC”) raised the target Fed Funds rate at the March 22nd FOMC meeting amidst the recent bank failures in the US and Europe. Read our March market review!

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Senior woman in long-term care

Long-Term Care Tax: New Legislation That May Impact You

As the population evolves, so too must discussions surrounding long-term care and who will bear its cost. To provide assistance to their residents, many states have acted by introducing or passing bills that offer state funding for LTC services. Let’s take a look at which of these locations are leading the charge in this increasingly important arena.

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529 Plans: For Education and Transferring Wealth

By utilizing 529 plans, families can cultivate a lasting tradition of educational prosperity from one generation to the next. With three savvy strategies for lowering tax burdens when transferring wealth between beneficiaries, parents and grandparents are empowered to set up their loved ones for success. Learn more!

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In N Out - Part 1
Estate Planning

The In-N-Out Burger Story: Proving the Power of Planning, Part I

In-N-Out has found a way to thrive in spite of family dysfunction, self-destructive behavior, untimely deaths, a limited gene pool, and leadership by the very young or the very old by necessity.

The In-N-Out story demonstrates the power of planning. Without such planning, the fast food chain we all know and love, would very likely not be what it is today.

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Moatiful Disney Two Paths

Disney’s Two Paths

We see two paths ahead for Disney: Either the company should compete head-to-head with Netflix using a consolidated streaming platform, or it should divest Hulu and ESPN to focus on the franchise content that makes it special. The company could be successful on either path, but trying to straddle both is not working.

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How strong will the next bull run be? February 2023 Market Review

February 2023 Market Review

Bear markets tend to be followed by a bull run, but when? With elevated geopolitical risk and limited access to credit growth as support in times of recession, it’s important for everyone to stay informed about these challenges – so we can be better prepared when faced with potential instability down the road. Read our February market review!

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Leaving Your Employer? You Have Options For Your 401(k)

When you leave your employer, carefully review the plan document of your 401(k) to determine if rolling it over is right for you. Depending on what’s best for your financial future and retirement planning goals, a rollover may or may not be necessary. Here’s what to consider!

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Springtime Is Clean Your Finances Time

Springtime Is Clean Your Finances Time

Springtime is a great time to review your finances so you can work toward financial independence. While many are organizing their closets and cleaning out drawers and garages, instead, clean up your finances using these ten tips.

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The Social Security Trust Fund’s Problem
Retirement Planning

The Social Security Trust Fund’s Problem

Initially designed for retired workers and survivors, the program’s funds depletion date is 2035. For Americans that will retire after 2035, the future of receiving their projected full retirement monthly benefit looks bleak. The Social Security Administration estimates the ability to pay 77% of promised benefits at that time. Here is Social Security’s present situation.

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